PayG Contributes to Har Payment Digital - 75 Village Adoption Scheme

PayG in RBI village adoption

Har Payment Digital Initiative Aims to Make Naganur a Digital Payment-Enabled Village

Posted On: April 01, 2021 Posted By: Prerna Saxena

RBI has announced the 75 Digital Village Adoption Programme on 6th March 2023, during Digital Payments Awareness Week (DPAW). It aims at making these villages Digital Payment Enabled. To appreciate and support Har Payment Digital mission, PayG has actively come forward to help the villagers of Naganur. It is one of the selected villages in Karimnagar – Telangana with secure digital payments.

To ensure the success of this program, the payment system operators (PSOs) in that village need to actively engage in promoting and improving digital payment awareness. PayG is actively contributing to this goal by fostering digital literacy in Naganur, thereby supporting the RBI's mission. The underlying theme of DPAW, "Digital Payment Apnao, Auron ko bhi Sikhao," emphasizes the importance of educating and inspiring individuals about digital payments from the grassroots level. PayG aims to make a significant impact starting at this foundational level.

PayG has a well-documented plan to support this program. Here is a list of their activities:

  • Team-visit to the village that the District Collector recommended
  • Finding out the target areas for interaction and communication activities
  • Gathering the knowledge gaps and concerns of the villagers while adopting digital payments
  • Creating help materials (printed and digital)
  • Creating a facilitation centre and promoting it
  • Bringing the villagers to the centre for training, demonstration, and examples of Digital Payments

PayG believes that the program has potential, and a 360-degree approach is needed to make RBI’s initiative successful. Also, the process of educating villagers should be a long-term project to earn their reliability.

How Team PayG Ensures Smooth Adoption of Digital Payments?

Below are some masterplans of Team PayG for a smooth adoption of digital payments in Naganur:

  • 1. Communication in the local language
  • 2. Realtime translation from English to local language
  • 3. Written copies of the training sessions
  • 4. Highlighted FAQ sections in the documents

PayG ensures that training team members can communicate in Telugu. Besides, they will have access to technology to translate English into the local language anywhere for faster and easier understanding. They will carry training documents with possible FAQs, to help local vendors understand holistic digital payments system.

What Will PayG Do?

Firstly, PayG will engage the villagers with experienced and qualified trainers. Some short and interactive sessions are in their plan to slowly but gradually help the villagers learn digital payments. The training will mainly focus on

  • 1. What is online payment?
  • 2. How do online payments work in India?
  • 3. How and why online payments are so accepted by the mass?

Furthermore, there will be a Q&A session after the training to make it more interactive. Also, they will provide a dedicated Helpline number - specific to the adopted village to reduce the waiting time.

In addition to these, villagers will get all their contact details like mobile number, mail ID, Facebook® messenger, or WhatsApp. As a result, they can reach PayG whenever they encounter any issue or need any clarification or support. A senior team member will monitor the progress of the program for smooth operation regularly and take immediate action if any issue occurs.

The ongoing camp of PayG at Naganur will gradually educate local merchants about payment gateway. They will show how smooth and fast money transactions can be in the village. They will try not just to be a trainer to the villagers; rather, they want to be the helping hand to the local sellers on which they can rely without any second thought. It will indirectly help them to onboard the people of Telangana in the most secure Indian payment gateway - PayG Digital Payments. This is the core of Har Payment Digital's mission.


The state govt also wants local merchants to seek digital literacy so that they can widen the reach of their business. Also, it will help them to match themselves to the modern financial system.

These programs improve the efficiency of local businessmen as well as reduce their risks. And, to top it off, PayG always adheres to the rules and regulations of the Government and ensures compliance. For that, educating all the onboarded merchants with the latest security updates and news is the first thing they target.

PayG hopes that the campaign of RBI goes smoothly and successfully and PayG is overwhelmed to be able to offer digital literacy to the local people of Telangana.

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