Artificial Intelligence: The new Algorithmic way to life?

Artificial Intelligence: The new Algorithmic way to life?

Artificial Intelligence: The new Algorithmic way to life?

Posted On: January 23, 2023 Posted By: Basobi Das

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is rapidly transforming the way we live our lives, from the way we order food to the way we shop and even the way we entertain ourselves. But what exactly is Artificial Intelligence (AI) and how does it work?

In this blog post, we'll explore the concept of AI and its impact on various aspects of our daily lives including

Artificial intelligence in food delivery

Artificial intelligence in food delivery

You are a common man who has a common desire for some food and there is an unwillingness to cook. Earlier, you might have had to travel on foot to the nearest known food vendor, buy and eat. Time changed and some food chains started home delivery. But come the 2010s and food started getting delivered to your own doorsteps.

The game changed further, the moment you open the app, it somehow has an array of dishes or restaurants that it suggests for you. How does a Food Delivery App know? User’s data.

Every app that uses Artificial Intelligence, has a strong database for each registered consumer. They somehow, know your choices and your desires and are quick to bring to you what their algorithms suggest. For instance, if you are heavily into health and fitness, the ‘Healthy’ or ‘Low Calories’ is among the top suggestions. We know what it translates into, yet the opinions would be diverse.

Here rises an important question: Will AI take over our lives entirely?

If you believe Mark Roberts, the author and expert on Artificial Intelligence, he opines that it is much hyped, and that is probably it is the new thing. But should we entirely believe it? How to determine, let us look at what all places in our daily lives.

A.I and Chatbots in Banking

A.I and Chatbots in Banking

You must have seen those little floating pop-ups on your online banking apps? Those are Chatbots. Much advanced stages of how machine learning helps the banks and other product or service-oriented enterprises, this chatbots are designed with many generic frequently asked questions of (FAQs) and will solve problems for the consumers. For example, a transaction that has been unsuccessful need not be attended to by the bank’s Customer Service Team. They will feed the system the solution to this problem, and in a very step by step manner the chatbot AI will help you resolve it.

Feedbacks and reviews are also these days being taken by chatbots. They will either chat with you, or place a very automated voice calling and all you have to do is press keys and your service request is made.

Now just rethink how did you last book your cylinder online!

Customized Shopping with Machine learning

Customized Shopping with Machine learning

Festivals are approaching and true to our culture, we start looking for dresses and attires. Then there is home décor, gifting ideas (corporate or personal), food, party ideas, and so much more. So just try one of these on some app, even the normal browser for that matter will do. In a few minutes, you see designer websites, décor items, everything that you might need, Automatically flooding into your screen. If you are thinking it is a genie, then let us burst the bubble. It is algorithms fed by the scientists and coders to the browsers and shopping apps. The importance of keywords is easy to understand as the systems pick the exact and related keywords and your suggestions are absolutely stacked up and it takes herculean courage to stop splurging money.

Entertainment using A.I

Entertainment using A.I

Netflix will quickly register that you just finished watching a RomCom and the suggestions will soon be of all the romantic movies that it can present before you. Similarly other online entertainment apps or the OTT ones work too. The channels know what starts gaining popularity and then you will see more such content being sent your way. This is simple for them.

Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare

Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare

Tried apps that help you either purchase medicines or book diagnosis? We all use one such app or the other. The other day someone asked for a homeopathic medicine that was unavailable locally and the moment that medicine’s name was entered on the browser, the first suggestion came from the app I use the most. The medicine, different makers of it, comparative pricing, estimated delivery dates, availability of the said medicine, everything was on my screen in a banner advertisement.

Feels like you are being spied upon? We would not doubt that it does feel as if your privacy is being evaded. However, the pro is that suggestions are easily sent to you and time is being saved too!

Online Communication using Machine Learning

Online Communication using Machine Learning

We all send emails, chat on various apps and platforms. Those convenient reply prompts you see on your screens are also AI, but the more conversational AI. It just reaches your database and checks what all responses can be suitable to which conversation and the prompts make it easy for you to say Thanks! You see it is a blessing in disguise. However, when the AI, fed with dictionary/ies, rejects your colloquial or vernacular texts typed in Roman, it becomes exhausting. There are pros and cons in everything.

Digital domesticated lives and Music: Be it your preference for a certain lighting, or locking the doors immediately after you leave, AI gets all your user data and sometimes even before you ask for it, your home starts functioning exactly like you want it. Remember the Richie Rich automated home as we saw in the cartoon in our childhood, it seems slowly and eventually we are all becoming Richie with our domestic lives being made comfortable at commands.

So is the Music app running on AI. The next time you see how when you listen to a particular song, the next Artificial play is from a similar genre or is a song that you must have heard even an year back. This is the power of algorithms.

If you are thinking how we use it? Payment gateways and apps use the data you fed us through your consumer habits. For example, we know you pay EMIs each month and we will quickly remind you around the date when you make a payment. Or if your phone needs a recharge, our algorithms know it and reminds you. Similarly, our consumers also come to know of their end client’s behaviours, preferences and wishes through our data. We have given you a broad understanding of how it operates but we would like to conclude our piece for now. But before we conclude we, at PayG, have a little message for you. While these data and intelligence make your lives easy, the data or machines getting into wrong hands can cost you hefty. Hence, in this digital age, let the technology assist you but not be you, tormentor.

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